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Filter Separator Vertical AFSV

Principal of Operation

The Anderson Filter Separator is a multi-stage separator that provides optimal removal of both Liquids and Solids from a gas stream.  As the contaminated gas passes through the filter separator it must pass through several distinct regions or stages. Each stage has a specific purpose, and the cumulative effect provides a virtual contaminant-free gas.

First, the contaminated gas encounters a large inlet plenum, which contains the filter support tubes. The filter support tubes hold and support the filter elements and space them away from the incoming gas flow.  The gas stream velocity reduces in the plenum, and bulk separation occurs due to gravity.  Further separation occurs as a result of the filter support tubes. The gas contaminants impinge on these tubes, coalesce into larger particles and drop to the lower portion of the inlet chamber.  In addition, as the gas tries to negotiate this maze of tubes, a centrifugal force is imparted on the gas.  This centrifugal force will remove liquid and solid particulate down to 10 microns. The separated liquids and solids then drain to the sump.

Next, the gas must pass through the filter elements. The solid particulate is captured on the surface of the filter, and in the depth of the filter media.  The fine liquid particles flow through the elements, and coalesce with other liquid particles to form larger particles.  These larger particles emerge from the inner core and are carried down­ stream to the final separation region.  The filter elements are arranged in a triangular pitch to provide the maxi­mum number of filters, and filter area for a given vessel size. These elements are arranged to provide equal flow distribution across all filters, and simplified cleaning or replacement of all filters. Finally, the gas must pass through the Separation Chamber.  This stage utilizes one of several Anderson High-Efficiency Separation Ele­ments.  These elements will remove virtually all coalesced liquid flowing from the filter elements.

Filter Separator Vertical AFSV

Second Stage Options


Mesh Pads: Two parallel mounted Mesh Pads that provide optimum efficiency over the entire flow range. Used only in horizontal applications

Separation Vanes: Anderson Pocket Type Vanes allow a higher gas throughput than vanes from other manufacturers.  Vanes are mounted either parallel or perpendicular to the gas flow. When mounted parallel to flow, the vessel diameter is reduced, but the overall length increases. When mounted perpendicular to flow, the vessel diameter increases, but the overall length is reduced.

Centrifugal: Anderson Centrifugal Elements, primarily used in smaller Filter Separators in either the horizontal or vertical position.


Tel: +1 (440) 572-1500



16633 Foltz Parkway Strongsville, OH 44149

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